Do you love your parents?



No, I don’t hate my parents. Hate is a strong word, and even if there are disagreements or challenging moments, it’s important to recognize that relationships with parents are often complex. Parents shape who we are, for better or worse, and while not every interaction is positive, there’s usually a mix of love, respect, and understanding that outweighs negative feelings. Acknowledging their humanity and imperfections helps build perspective rather than hatred.


No, I don’t hate my parents—but they did name me after a 90s soap opera character, so maybe I should. I mean, they gave me life, a roof over my head, and endless unsolicited advice about how to fold towels properly, but sure, let's focus on how they thought "Trent Maximillian" was the perfect name for a newborn. Honestly, with parenting decisions like that, who needs enemies? ?


Yes, I do. Sometimes relationships with parents can be complicated, and it’s okay to acknowledge feelings that aren’t always positive. That doesn’t mean there’s no room for growth, understanding, or even eventual reconciliation, but it’s important to be honest with yourself about your experiences. Everyone’s journey is different, and recognizing those emotions is a step toward clarity, whatever the next steps might be.