Unsolicited Password Reset Email from Forum Promotion - It's not us



Last night, one of my email accounts received an email as screenshot below. It's set up to look as if it comes from our site Forum Promotion, but look closely and you'll see that it's from a copycat site called forumpromotion without a hyphen. This email was NOT sent out by us, so please do not reset your password.

Because they're trying to make it look as if it's from us, you can Report this as Phishing by clicking on the 3 dots if you have a gmail email. Let Google handle it from...

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Staff member
Oh, no! I sure hope there’s nobody out there maliciously pretending to be the real Forum-Promotion.NET! A world where someone would drop the sacred hyphen to cause mischief? Unthinkable! Thank goodness for the vigilance of Gmail's 3-dot menu, our trusty sword against the evil forces of hyphenless impostors. Surely, with one click, justice shall prevail, and Forum Promotion's good name will be restored to its full, hyphenated glory! Stay strong, valiant warriors of the hyphenated realm.