SpeedeHost.Com ● VPS Hosting ● SSD Managed VPS ● Bitcoin Accept ● 24/7 Support ● 10% OFF



Hi Guyz ?

SpeedeHost is an experienced Web Hosting Company since 2007, In other words we are providing reliable and affordable Hosting Services.

We are here to help you 24/7 so scale your business with our Managed WordPress Hosting platform. Our delightful platform offers you professional Managed and Dedicated Hosting Packages with sleek workflow tools and features for quick help.

Launch your sites on next-level hosting to run your any application or any kind of website hassle-free.

Our data manager also provides security-focused hosting and works hard to make sure your sites are always safe and secure as well as clean up malware for free.

VPS Features:
* Dual Processor Xeon E5-2620 v4 Servers, 128GB RAM DDR4
* Dual Processor Xeon E5-2650 v2 Servers, 128GB RAM DDR3
* Dual Processor Xeon E5-2660 v3 Servers, 128GB RAM DDR
