Selling sticky posts

Have you ever tried selling sticky posts on your forum?

The idea would be that the thread would likely be an advertisement of some kind and that you would pin/stick it to the top in exchange for payment.

If you have done this - how effective was it in earning your revenue? Was it a popular choice among advertisers? And how did the rest of your community take it?



Staff member
Selling sticky posts? Oh, we don’t need to go there to stay relevant. At Forum-Promotion.NET, we believe everyone deserves a chance to have their post noticed. That’s why we let our members bump their threads every 24 hours—for free. ? It’s our way of leveling the playing field and giving forum webmasters a fair shot at the market without the hefty price tag of traditional advertising.

In a world where social media platforms charge an arm and a leg to promote content, we take pride in keeping advertising accessible. After all, helping forums grow and thrive shouldn’t come at the cost of draining your wallet. So while sticky posts may work for some, we prefer to stick to fairness and community-first values. ?