Members quote portions to change the meaning of the post



How do you deal with members who quote portions of a post that totally changes the meaning of it? Is it a rule violation? Do you let it slide? Do you let members call out that member for the deception?



The intent behind quoting portions of a post that alter its meaning can be difficult to determine, and even if the intent were clear, it’s still a conversation worth addressing. Members might genuinely need clarification or may want to discuss the perceived misrepresentation, which can open the door for productive dialogue.

Whether it’s considered a rule violation depends on the forum's guidelines. If selective quoting is being used to deliberately mislead or create conflict, it may warrant moderation. However, in less clear cases, allowing members to address the issue themselves—respectfully—can promote transparency and encourage constructive conversations. It’s important to assess each situation individually and intervene only when necessary to maintain a fair and respectful environment.